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22 Questions Shias Can’t Answer

22 questions below you can ask the Shiites, and they will be confused because they can not answer. This is proof that Shia is a heresy that deviates from Islam
Shia thought that Muawiyah was a kafir. Then we find that al-Hasan ibn Ali came down from the Caliphate's chair and gave it to Muawiyah. Even though al-Hasan was among the Shi'a priests who were well-versed. So the consequence, they must admit that al-Hasan has come down from the reins of the Khilafah to be handed over to infidels. Does this exclude his affinity, or does Muawiyah mean Muslims?
The liberation of the Aqsa mosque took place during the time of Umar Ibn Khatab. Liberation of Persia also by Umar ibn Khatab. Then in the time of the Sunni commander, Saladin al Ayyubi also freed al-Aqsa. Then what is the success of Shia throughout history? Are they able to conquer even an inch of land the enemies of Islam?
Does it make sense, the Prophet sallallaahu a Alaihi Wasallam failed in choosing his friends, otherwise Khomeini succeeded in that case? We find that the majority of the Prophet's friends were unbelievers in the eyes of the Shiites. How could the Prophet failed to foster and guide his friends. Even though in the Koran Allah has praised the Companions of Muhajirin and Ansor. Even though in the Qur'an Allah has praised Ahlul Badr.
When we see the Shi'ah draw closer to Allah by berating the leaders of friends, especially the three khulafaur rashidin; Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman Radhiyallahu Anhu Ajmain, it turns out we did not find a Sunni even berating anyone from the ahlul bait. They even draw closer to Allah Subhaanahu Wata'ala by loving them. This can not be denied by the Shiites, even with lies.
Which is more severe for Islam and the Muslims, the death of the Holy Prophet ‘alayhi wasallam or the killing of al-Husayn? If you say the death of the Prophet sallallaahu ih alayhi wasallam, I ask: Why do we not see you slapping and beating your body for him?
If you say that the killing of al-Husayn is more severe and worse, then it will be clear to us that the noble Prophet has no meaningful position in your view, and you prioritize al-Husain over him.
If Ali ibn Abi Talib radiallahu anhu hated Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu and Umar radiallahu anhu then why did he name his sons Abu Bakr and Umar?
After the death of Fatima, Ali married a number of women who gave birth to a number of children for him, including; Abbas ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abdullah ibn Ali, Ja'far ibn Ali, and Uthman ibn Ali. Their mother was Umm al Banin bint Hizam bin Darim. (Kasyful Ghummah fi Ma'rifah al A'immah, Ali al Arbili, 2/66).
Also Ubaidullah bin Ali, Abu Bakr bin Ali. Her second mother is Laila bint Mas'ud. (Kasyful Ghummah fi Ma'rifah al A'immah, Ali al Arbili, 2/66).
Also Ruqayyah bint Ali, Umar bin Ali, who died at the age of 35. His second mother was Umm Habib bint Rabi’ah. (Kasyful Ghummah fi Ma'rifah al A'immah, Ali al Arbili, 2/66).
Question: Is it possible for a father to name his baby after his mortal enemy? Then what if the father is Ali bin Abi Talib?
How could Ali have named his children after those who were considered Shiites to be Ali's enemies?
If you hear someone say, "Ayesha is a resident of hell, Ayesha is in hell," ask her, Ayesha who do you mean? :
Aisyah bint Ja'far Sadiq? (5 th descendant of Ali bin Abi Talib)
Aisyah bint Musa Al-Kazhim? (7th descendant of Ali bin Abi Talib)
Aisyah bint Ali Ar-Ridha? (8th descendant of Ali bin Abi Talib) Or
Aisyah bint Ali Al-Hadi? (11th descendant of Ali bin Abi Talib)
Aisha who do you mean ... ???
Why do they name their sons and daughters by these names? Is it not because they respect the owner of his real name and glorify it?
And they want the names to last forever in the memories of their souls. A father will choose names for his children with names that he likes.
Shia believe that the leadership after the Messenger of Allah is Ali. And according to this Shia the Prophet has mandated his people. So, this is the stipulation of Allah and the Shari'ah that cannot be contested. However, in practice after the Prophet's death, the caliphs were Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman.
From this fact there is an important question: How could the scenario of God sent down from heaven fail? How could what God had planned not happen?
Even though Allah says in the Qur'an Ali Imran verse 26:
Say: "O Lord who has the kingdom, You give the kingdom to those whom you want and you remove the kingdom from those whom you want. You are muliof those whom you want and you humiliate those whom you want. in your hands are all virtues. Verily, You are the Almighty over all things. In the verse it says "You give the kingdom to those whom you want and you remove the kingdom from those you want". It means that Allah has the authority to give and revoke power from the person He wants.
The Shi'ites say that all of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW were apostates except for a few people. The accusation of "apostasy" was only because they all took the Companions of Abu Bakr as a substitute for the Prophet as the first leader after the Prophet Muhammad died.
With the above facts, the Shiites unconsciously accused the Messenger of Allah as a teacher of failing to educate His students. When compared with the role of Prophet Jesus in educating his students, then the Messenger of Allah had lost because the disciples of Prophet Jesus who betrayed only one person, Judas Eskariot. Aside from Judas, they all obeyed Jesus.
Ali became caliph after 24 years. Ali became the caliph after Islam was victorious because of the conquests carried out in the days of Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman. Within 2.5 years, Abu Bakr had extinguished five slanders from inside and outside the country after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Five kinds of slander are: the emergence of false prophets, namely Musailamatul kadzab, many people who apostatize from Islam, hypocrites appear, there are a group of people who do not want to pay zakat and the threat of Roman attacks.
Then Umar had spread Islam to Egypt, Sham, Madain, Rome and Persia for 10 years. After that it was continued by Uthman for 12 years and the result was the opening of African regions: Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. During this period the Qur'anic Manuscripts were also compiled which were called Ottoman Manuscripts.
Once again it should be noted that when Ali became the caliph, Islam was victorious and spread to various parts of the world because of the services of the three previous khilafah.
The question is how could the Shi'ah ignore this, while Ali himself was proud of the results which had been inscribed by the previous caliph.
If the three caliphs were infidels, why did Ali never berate them? Why Ali is hiding the truth. Though Allah and the Messenger of Allah forbid hiding the truth. Because the truth must be delivered. And the Shiites revile the companions while Ali does not teach it. That means, the Shiites do not follow the path of Ali and Ahlul Bayt. Even the Shia could never prove that Ali had cursed the Companions of the Prophet.
Shia believe that Ali is a priest of makshum (holy from sin). But we found, it turns out he married his daughter, Umm Kulthum, sister of Al Hasan and al Husain with Umar bin Khaththab. This has consequences for one of two things for the Shia;
First, Ali Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu did not understand because he married his daughter to an infidel (according to their beliefs, namely Umar Radhiyallahu‘ Anhu). This contradicts the foundations of the school, and even this has the consequence that the priests besides him are not well advised.
Secondly, Umar bin Khatthab Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu is Muslim. Ali Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu made him son-in-law. But the Shiites who claimed to be followers of Ali actually disbelieved.
These are the two answers that Shia people should choose.
Shia thought that Fatima, the flesh and blood of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam was chosen, was humiliated in the time of Abu Bakr Radhiyallahu‘ Anhu, broken his ribs, his house was about to be burned, and his fetus they called al Muhsin was aborted.
Question: Where was Ali bin Abi Talib when it happened? Why doesn't he claim his wife's rights, even though he is brave and strong?
Al Kulaini mentions in his book, Usul al Kafi (1/239), "Surely we really have Fatima's Manuscripts. Do they know what the Fatima prayer is? " I asked, "What is the Fatima's Manuscript?" He replied, "That is the manuscript in which like your Qur'an is three times as much. By Allah, there is not a single letter in your Qur'an. "
Imagine, nothing? (alif), nothing? (ba), and so on.
Question: Does the Prophet sallallaahu a Alaihi Wasallam know the Mushaf Fatima? If he does not know, then how can the temple expert know without his knowledge, even though he is a messenger of God? If he found out, why did he hide it from his people? Even though Allah Subhaanahu Wata'ala said, meaning:
"O Apostle, convey what was revealed to you from your Rabb. And if you do not do (what is ordered, that means) you do not convey His message. " (Surat al-Ma'idah: 67).
Shias accuse the khulafaur Rashidin of being infidels, so why did Allah help and conquer countries through their hands. Islam is victorious and authoritative in masa, where Muslims have never seen a time when Allah glorified Islam more than in their time.
Is this in line with the sunnah of Allah which has been established to humiliate the unbelievers and the hypocrites? On the contrary, we see in the time of "al Ma'shum" (Ali bin Abi Talib) whose leadership was made a mercy for humans - as the Shi'ah said - the people were divided and fought each other, so the enemy preyed on Islam.
Shia said, because the supernatural of their twelfth Imam in his hiding place was for fear of being wronged. But why does this occultity continue even though worries have vanished with the establishment of Shi'a countries throughout history, such as al Ubaidiyyun, al Buwaihiyyun, ash-Shafawiyyun, and finally the present state of Iran?
Why doesn't he come out now, even though Shias are able to defend and protect him in their country? They are millions and will redeem them with their souls in the morning and evening? Are they not ashamed of the Prophet's friends whom they disbelieve who dare to sacrifice their body and soul to defend the Prophet?
Why Abu Bakr dared to fight the apostates - who refused to pay zakat - and said, "If they prevented me from taking the goat / camel that they had previously paid to the Messenger of Allah, surely I would fight them because of it."
While the Shia say that Ali Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu did not issue the manuscripts he wrote from the Prophet sallallaahu‘ Alaihi Wasallam for fear that people will apostatize. Even though he was a caliph, possessed divine attributes and help as claimed by Shia. Nevertheless, he still refused to issue the Manuscript because he was afraid that people would apostatize, and were willing to leave people in error. While Abu Bakr was fighting apostasy because their camel son refused to pay him.
Sunnis and Shiites with all their secretaries agree that Ali is a brave unchallenged, and he was never afraid of upholding the religion of Allah against anyone's reproach. This courage never broke even for a moment, since the beginning of his life until he was killed at the hands of Ibn Muljam. Shia, as is well known, declared that Ali ibn Abi Talib Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu was the recipient of the will after the Prophet's death without a grace period.
Did Ali's courage stop after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu a Alaihi Wasallam so that he took allegiance of Abu Bakr ash-Shiddiq, Umar bin Khaththab, and Uthman bin Affan ??
Is Ali unable - and it is impossible for him to be - to rise to the pulpit of the Messenger of Allah even though from the caliphate of one of the three and announce that the caliphate was deprived of him? And that he himself is most entitled to it because he is the recipient of a will?
Why didn't Ali do this and demand his rights, even though he was brave? And he has many defenders who love him?
Shia thought that Umar bin Khaththab hated Ali, then it turns out, Umar handed over Medina's leadership to Ali when Umar went to accept the surrender of the keys of Baitul Maqdis? This happened because Ali would become the caliph of the Muslims if an unwanted event happened to Umar. So where is Umar's hatred?
Shia cannot deny, Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu Ajmain had pledged the Messenger of Allah under a tree. Allah Subhaanahu Wata'ala reported that He was pleased with them and knew their hearts. Allah Subhaanahu Wata’ala said, that is to say,
"Indeed, Allah has been pleased with the believers when they promised to be loyal to you under a tree. Then Allah knows what is in their hearts and then calms them down and replaces them with an imminent victory (time). " (Surat al-Fath: 18)
Then came the Shia, denied the word of God and accused the opposite? It is as if they say, "You, O Rabb, do not know about them as we know them." Wal ‘iyadzu billah.
The religion of Islam was complete at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam, based on his word, meaning," Today I have perfected for you your religion. " (Surah Al Maidah: 3).
While Shia, only appeared after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam.
How could the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam be buried in kamar Aisha's room while the Shiites accused him of being infidels and hypocrites? Isn't this proof that he loves her and is pleased with her?
How could the Prophet sallallaahu a Alaihi Wasallam be buried between Abu Bakr and Umar, even though both of them — in the Shi'ah view — were infidels? Muslims are not buried in the midst of infidels, so what about the Prophet? Does this mean that Allah Subhaanahu Wata'ala does not maintain His honorable prophet?


  1. Asalamuailkum I would like to answer your questions but face to face

  2. There is answer to every Question.
    I wish to have them face to face.
