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Shia; Karbala is Holier than Mecca and Coming to Karbala is more noble than Hajj

According to the Shi'ah, Mecca as the birthplace of the Prophet and the place of the Baitullah is no more holy than Karbala as the place of Husayn's martyr.

In the main Shia reference books such as Biharul Anwar it is narrated,

قال جعفر ... "فأوحى الله إليها أن كفي وقري, ما فضل ما فضلت به فيما أعطيت كربلاء إلا بمنزلة الإبرة غرست في البحر فحملت من ماء البحر, ولولا تربة كربلاء ما فضلتك, ولولا من تضمنه أرض كربلاء ما خلقتك ولا خلقت البيت الذي به افتخرت, فقري واستقري وكوني ذنبًا متواضعًا ذليلاً مهينًا غير مستنكف ولا مستكبر لأرض كربلاء نوإلا سمت جتا

Ja'far said, “… Allah has revealed it to the Ka'aba; If it was not for the land of Karbala, then I would not put you first, and if it was not because of the person who was embraced by the land of Karbala (Husain), then I would not have created you, and I did not create a house in which you are proud, then stay and abide you, and be your sins that are lowly, despicable, lowly, and not arrogant and arrogant towards the earth of Karbala, otherwise I would have thrown you away and thrown you into the jahanam.

Coming to Karbala is more noble than Hajj

Still referring to the main Shi'a reference books, there is a narrative about the virtue of the pilgrimage to the land of Karbala in Iraq over the pilgrimage to Mecca.

إن زيارة قبر الحسين تعدل عشرين حجة ، وأفضل من عشرين عمرة وحجة

“In fact, a pilgrimage (visit) to Husein's grave is equivalent to (the reward) of the pilgrimage 20 times. And more importantly than 20 Umrah and 1 Hajj. " (Furu 'al-Kafi, 1: 324).

One Shia adherent stated,

إني حججت تسع عشرة حجة ، وتسع عشرة عمرة "، أجابه الإمام بأسلوب يشبه السخرية قائلاً:" سيابه الإمام بأسلوب يشبه السخرية قائلاً: "حريلات حلام حلام بأسلوب

"Really I have performed the Hajj 19 times and Umrah 19 times." Then the priest answered him with a mocking parable, "Pray once again and do Umrah once, it will be recorded for you (the same reward) by making a pilgrimage to the grave of Husein 'alaihissalam". (Biharul Anwar, 38: 101).

The prime minister of Iraq, a 12-Imam Shia adherent, stated that the land of Karbala was more blessed to become the mecca for the world's Muslims. He reasoned, because in Karbala there is Husein radhiallahu 'anhu. And he will try to make it happen.

Here's the statement:


Well .. after knowing the position of Mecca for the Shia people, we also know why they committed destruction and mischief in the land of Haram. We also realize that their potential jealousy towards Mecca will always appear. Now we will look at the history of terror behavior of Shia people in the haram land in the next chapter

Read more in Indonesian language https://kisahmuslim.com/4484-kejahat-syiah-di-tanah-haram-dalam-kurun-sejarah.html


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