Spiritual Health

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Similarities Between Shia and Christian

Shia people are very fond of visualizing the images of Husein being killed with arrows stuck here and there. Not much different from Christians who visualize Jesus on the cross.
The narrators of the Shia traditions always identify Ali with Jesus for Christians, from the point of view that the two figures both underwent the same experience in the form of excessive adoration of both.

The narrators of the Shia hadith narrated the words that they claimed came from Ali who said, "I came to the Messenger of Allah who was facing the figures of the Quraish people, so the Messenger of Allah saw me and said: 'O Ali, you are in the eyes of this ummah just like Isa bin Maryam. In the eyes of the ummah, there are those who exaggerate them so that they perish, and there are also those who hate them excessively and perish, and some are intermediate and they are the ones who are saved '. [Bihar Al-Anwar, 9/151].

They also try to present Husein bin Ali as the prophet Isa in Christian teachings, they present Husein in Karbala like Jesus in Christian teachings which portrays Jesus as the atonement for human sins !! As narrated by the narrator Shia Abu Ja'far who said, "When Husein bin Ali had achieved his victory and at that time wandered between heaven and earth, Allah gave him two choices: victory or meeting with Allah, then Husein chose to meet with God." [Ushul Al-Kafi, 1/538].

If the prophet Isa had a miracle that could bring the dead back to life with the permission of Allah, then Ali's Shia worshipers also had narrations that said Ali could bring the dead from the tribe of Bani Makhzum to life. [Ushul Al-Kafi, 1/529].

Shia also claims in his narration that Imam Mahdi also brought the dead back to life, such as reviving an ox belonging to a poor woman in Mina's area, "So Imam Mahdi strikes the ox and moves its horns or kicks it so that the dead ox wakes up again. So when the woman -fakir- saw her ox come back to life, the woman screamed hysterically and said: "By God Ka'bah, this is Isa Bin Maryam,". [Ushul Al-Kafi, 1/557].

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