Spiritual Health

[Spiritual Health][slideshow]





Daulah Safavid (Forerunner of Shia in Iran)

In the past, nearly nine hundred percent of Iran's population adhered to the faith of a Shafi'ite Sunnah expert. Until the tenth century Hijriyah stood the Shafawiyyah state under the leadership of Isma'il Ash-Safaawi. He then announced that the country's ideology was Shi'a Imamiyyah Itsna Asyriyyah, and forced the citizens to also adhere to it.

He is very famous as a cruel leader. He killed the Muslim clerics and their lay people. History records, he had killed around one million Sunni Muslims, seized property, tarnished their honor, enslaved their women and forced the Sunnah preachers to denounce the three rashidin caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar and Ustman - may Allah be pleased with them) and to worship the twelve priests.

Not only that, he also ordered to dismantle the graves of Muslim scholars from among the Sunnah experts and burn their bones.

Daula Safavid succeeded in extending his power to all corners of Iran and nearby regions. Ismail Shafawi succeeded in conquering the Turkimaniy Daula, who were Sunnah experts in Iran, then Faris, Kirman and Arbastan and others. And every time that conquest took place, he killed tens of thousands of sunnah experts. Until he also managed to attack Baghdad and master it. He also did his cruel deeds to the sunnah experts there. [quoted from Tuhfatul Azhar wa Zallaatu al Anhar, Ibn Syaqdim As-Shi'i via al Masyru 'al Irani al Shafawi al Farisi, p. 20-21]
Check out the full here. Click https://muslim.or.id/

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