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What are some fun facts about Prophet Muhammad?

Prophet Muhammad SAW is the most kindest person::

    One of the Prophet's neighbour a Jewish women used to throw garbage at him when Prophet Muhammad SAW passes by and she curses him everyday. One day she fell sick and could not throw the garbage, so the Prophet Muhammad SAW visited her. Amazed by his character who she cursed whenever she saw came to pray for her health. She accepted Islam and prophet's message

    Prophet Muhammad spent much of his life protesting against female infanticide that was commonplace in that society, telling other fathers that having daughters was a blessing and that if their daughters spoke well of them on the Day of Judgement, their word alone would be enough to get them into Paradise

    Umm Sa’id bint Murra al-Fihri related from her father that the Prophet (ﷺ), said, “I and the guardian of an orphan will be in the Garden like these two.” He held up two fingers (index and middle) close to each other. [Al-Adab Al Mufrad] Prophet Muhammad SAW wanted his Ummah to lead the other Ummah in love towards orphans.

    Umar the 3rd caliph belonging to Banu adi tribe of Quarysh who decided to kill Muhammad SAW as he saw him a threat to the Quraishis came to know that his sister, sister in law and best friend Nua'im bin Abdullah too Converted to islam. Amazed by the surah al taha and himself being an eye witness of how Prophet kindly treated the people of Abyssinia he reverted to islam

    When Prophet Muhammad SAW was humiliated by the child of at Ta'if he prayed to Allah as Muhammad prayed:

    “O Allah unto thee do I complain of my weakness, of my helplessness, of my want of resources, and of my lowliness before men. O Most Merciful of the merciful, Thou art Lord of the weak. And Thou art my Lord. Into whose hands wilt Thou entrust me? Unto some far off stranger who will ill-treat me? Or unto a foe whom Thou hast empowered against me? I care not, so Thou be not wrath with me. But Thy favoring help -that were for me the broader way and the wider scope! I take refuge in the Light of Thy Countenance whereby all darkness’s are illuminated and the things of this world and the next are rightly ordered, lest Thou make descend Thine anger upon me, or lest Thy wrath beset me. Yet is it Thine to reproach until Thou art well pleased? There is no power and no might except through Thee.”

May Allah grant the true believers a Jannah


Abdullah Mishra

 Lessons from the Prophet ﷺ: Winning Hearts through Goodness of Character

The following story has been narrated in Tabrani on the authority of Abdullah bin Salam (ra):

Zaid bin Sa’nah was a Jewish scholar of Medina. He said he recognised all the signs of Prophethood upon seeing Muhammad’s (saw) face except for two:

    That his forbearance would precede his harshness
    That his forbearance would increase when encountering excessive harshness.

So once, the Prophet (saw) took a loan from Zaid and promised to repay it on a certain date (the details of the loan are given in the original narration). But 2–3 days before the due date, Zaid approached him after a funeral, grabbed his shirt and cloak exclaimed in anger: “O Muhammad (saw)! When will you pay me my dues? By Allah, all that the children of Abdul Muttalib (his grandfather) know is to procrastinate. By mixing with you people, I know have a first-hand experience of this.” At this, Umar (ra) got enraged and said, “O enemy of Allah! Is this the way you speak to Allah’s Messenger? By Allah, if it weren’t for the respect of his presence, I would have cut off your head!”

The Prophet (saw) remained calm all the while and said to Umar (ra), “O Umar! I wanted you to advice me paying off his loan and telling him to place his demands more respectfully. Now, go and repay his loan and give him twenty sa’ (nearly 44 KG) dates extra as compensation for your threat.” Umar (ra) did so.

Zaid then asked “Umar, do you recognise me?” Umar (ra) replied in the negative. Zaid said, “I am Zaid bin Sa’nah.” “The scholar of the Jews?” Umar asked. “Yes.” Then what made you behave with RasulAllah (saw) in that manner?” asked Umar. Zaid mentioned the signs of prophethood he was testing and said, “O Umar, I make you my witness that I am pleased with Allah as my Lord and Muhammad (saw) as my Prophet. And I give half my wealth in charity to the Muslim community.”

Then, he went to the Prophet (saw) and declared his Islam. He participated in many campaigns with the Prophet (saw) and was martyred in the expedition of Tabuk.

So this story perfectly sums up three of his qualities described by Imam Ghazali:

    He was the most forbearing of people, the most courageous of people, the most just of people, the most chaste of people.

    He was the most humble and quiet of people without being arrogant, the most eloquent without being long-winded, the most cheerful of countenance. and, most importantly

    He got angry for the sake of his Lord but he did not get angry for his own sake.

 Lessons from the Prophet ﷺ: Don't let the same thing harm you repeatedly

Abu Hurayrah (ra) reported that the Prophet (saw) said: “A believer is not stung from the same hole twice.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

The background of the Hadith is discussed in Fath al-Bari as follows:

A Meccan poet Abu Azzah was captured by Muslims at the Battle of Badr. When he saw the Prophet (saw) he begged him to free him saying, “I am poor and have many dependants who need me and you know of this. So please have mercy on me, may Allah have mercy on you.” The Prophet (saw), the kind man he was, set him free and allowed him to return.

Then at the occasion of Battle of Uhud, Safwan bin Umayyah, a Meccan chieftain approached Abu Azzah and said to him, “Indeed you are a poet. So help us and encourage the men to fight.” Abu Azzah replied that the Prophet (saw) had done a favour on him, and he did not wish to go against that kindness. At this Safwan said, “Help us and if you return alive, I will make you rich and if you are killed, I will make your daughters inheritors of my wealth.”

So Abu Azzah went to battle and was again captured by the Muslims. He again pleaded with the Prophet (saw) asking to be pardoned. The Prophet (saw) said to him, “By Allah, your cheeks won’t touch Mecca and you will not be able to boast that you deceived Muhammad twice. Indeed, a believer is not stung twice from the same hole.” Then he ordered Zubayr (ra) to kill him.

So the interpretation of this Hadith is that a person should not let someone betray him repeatedly. Also, one should not allow the same harm to befall him a second time.

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