Shia has insulted Fatima by calling her an Avengefull Women
Is it true the statement of the Shia scholars, that Fatima,
the daughter of the Prophet, died in a state of Avenge against Sayyidina
Abubakar, because of the Fadak land, her inheritance which was confiscated by Abu
Dear readers!
Is it appropriate that Fatimah who received the title
Sayyidatu Nisa 'Ahlil Jannah had a grudge against others? especially to those
who really contributed to his father?
Because as we know, that Fatima is the daughter of the
Prophet who has received direct education from the Prophet, so there is no
doubt that Fatima has inherited the good qualities of her father, such as Al
Akhlaqul Karimah (noble character), Al'afwu'indal magdirah. (giving forgiveness
when he can avenge) and Husnuddhon (thought well) and other good qualities of
the Messenger of Allah.
She was known as Fatima as a person with noble character,
good manners, not arrogant but humble, even though she was the daughter of a
Prophet. He is friendly and gentle in his speech. Big-spirited, graceful and
forgiving and do not have a sense of ghil (feeling of displeasure with others).
So it is very fitting that he got the title Sayyidatu Nisa 'Ahlil Jannah. For
among the signs of the inhabitants of heaven is that they do not have a sense
of revenge. Therefore we cannot accept it if someone says that Fatima died in a
state of grudge against others, due to worldly affairs. It is an insult and an
accusation to the beloved daughter of the Prophet.
She is also known to be honest and does not like to lie, as
testified by Aisha. Where Aisha once said: "Ask Fatimah, because she
doesn't like lying." Besides all that, Fatima was very patient in
accepting all the tests and was happy and tawakkal for her destiny. Even though
his economy was in a state of deprivation, he accepted it happily. Even though
she is the daughter of a leader.
That is among the noble traits of the Prophet's daughter,
and what we convey above is the belief and testimony of the sunni, therefore we
cannot accept the writings of the Shiah scholars which resulted in discrediting
Thus, we can confirm that Fatima may not have a revenge
character, because the character of revenge is not in the nature of Ahlu
Jannah, but for sure she has a forgiving nature.
Therefore, the words of revenge in the Shiah story are an
insult to Fatimah.
As for the issue of the land of the Prophet's inheritance,
Fatima and Imam Ali as well as the wives of the Prophet and his uncle Abbas
have accepted the decision of Caliph Abu Bakr well, because this decision was
in accordance with the orders of the Prophet. Likewise, this decision had taken
effect at the time of Caliph Umar and Caliph Uthman. Even during the time of
Caliph Ali bi Abi Talib, Imam Ali continued to enforce this decision.
If the decision of the Caliph Abu Bakr by Imam Ali was deemed
untrue and violated religion, he would have changed it and surely the
inheritance would be handed over to its owners. But its not. Imam Ali continued
Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman decision.
This was the decision of Caliph Abu Bakr regarding the
legacy of the Prophet
The basis for the decision of Caliph Abu Bakr was the Prophet's
hadith which reads:
"We the Prophets do not inherit, what we leave becomes
sadaqoh." (Narated by Bukhari)
In the hadith books it is stated that among those who
narrated the hadith were Imam Ali, Sayyidina Abu Bakr, Sayyidina Umar,
Sayyidina Usman, Sayyidina Abbas (the uncle of the Prophet) and several other
friends and the wives of the Prophet.
On the basis of this hadith, the legacy of the Prophet in
the form of a plantation in Fadak is controlled and managed by the government
Furthermore, Caliph Abu Bakr used the produce from the
garden for the needs of the Prophet's family and some of it was given to the
Which is in accordance with what the Prophet did during his
life. Therefore Fatima and Imam Ali and others accepted the decision of the
Caliph Abu Bakr.
What is surprising and becomes a question mark is why in the
Fadak issue, the Shia scholars always make Fatima the perpetrator in the Fadak
problem, even though she's not the only one who has an interest. Why not Abbas
(Rasulullah's uncle) or why not Rasulullah's wives?
Why in the stories made by Shia scholars they have Fatima
characteristics with words of revenge, hostility, quarrels, threatening others,
demanding inheritance, demanding the caliphate, not wanting to be seen when
they die, not wanting to be pray when they die and so on.
Didn't they read the testimonies and testimonies of many of
the Sahaba listed in the Ahlus-Sunnah books that Fatima had a noble character,
she said softly, was forgiving, generous, and had no ambition to seek wealth
let alone position. Instead, he asked Allah to be classified with the poor, as
his father Rosulullah. He truly inherited the noble qualities of Rosulullah.
Therefore, Fatimah was very loved and respected by the
companions, as Khafilah Abu Bakr said, that the Prophet's family was loved more
than his family.
It should be noted that the gifts of the Caliph Abu Bakr to
Ahlul Bait were far greater than the yields of Fadak's garden. Hence the
relationship between Khafilah Abu Bakr and Ahlul Bait was very good. Even the
relationship between Siti Fatimah and the wife of Khalifah Abu Bakr (Asma 'bint
Umais) was like that of brothers. So when Fatima died, it was Asma 'bint Umais
who bathed her on the basis of her will.
In addition to the words of revenge above, actually the Shia
scholars often insulted Fatima, where they often made stories that illustrated
that Fatima had a feeling of sentiment or hostility towards sahaba, especially towards Khafilah Abu Bakr.
Suppose they say:
- Fatimah was hurt by the sahaba, because they appointed Abu
Bakr as Caliph and did not choose her husband (Ali bin Abi Talib).
- After Abu Bakr was elected as Caliph, Fatima went around
meeting tribal leaders to seek support for her husband (Imam Ali).
- Fatima did not want to take allegiance to Caliph Abu Bakr,
because she was considered to have taken away her husband's caliphate.
- Fatimah's death was due to thinking about her property
that was confiscated by Caliph Abu Bakr
What they accuse, is one of their lack of teachings against
Fatima and is a huge slander, which must be redeemed by the accuser by reading
the shahada again (tajdiid) and having to read a lot of istighfar.
This is because of what they accuse, very contradicting the
nature of the Prophet's daughter who is very gentle and forgiving and full of
compassion for her fellow Muslims. Especially against people who first believed
in Allah and His Messenger. So that according to the ayah taught by Allah in
the Al-Qur'an which reads:
"O our Lord, please forgive us and our brothers who
have believed before us, and do not allow envy in our hearts towards those who
believe. O our Lord, verily You are Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. "
(Surah Al Hashr: 10)
That is a little bit about the Shia stories which, when we observe,
actually discredit Fatima.
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