Takfiri Shia to Muslims
So far, the Shiah have always shouted that Sunni Muslims are takfirs, but it is they themselves who are very extreme in takfir.
Al-Kulaini said in his book, that all Muslims other than Shi'ah are children of prostitutes. (see al-Raudhah min Kafi, vol 8 p. 227).
Another Shi'a scholar, Mirza Muhammad Taqi said, other than Shi'a people will go to hell forever. Even though all the angels, all the prophets, all the martyrs and all the siddiqs helped him, they still could not get out of hell. (see shahifah al-Abrar, vol 1 p. 342.)
Al-Kulaini said that people who consider Abu Bakr and Umar to be Muslims, will not be seen by Allah on the Day of Resurrection and will receive painful punishment going to hell). (see Ushul min Kafi, vol 1 p. 233). Even though the majority of Muslims in the world believe in the piety of sahaba.
According to the number of scholars of Shi'a Imamiah, believing in the Imamate is one of the principles of religion, if a person does not believe in the Imamate / region of Ali and his descendants then he will disbelieve in Allah.
Al Kulaini said, Doing action against Ali is kufr and trusting others is more important and rightful than him in the Imamate is Shirk. (see Kafi, vol. 1, p. 232). Al-Majlisi wrote in his book, The Imamiyah Sect agreed that truly those who deny the Imamate one of our Imams and refuse the obligation of Allah to obey it are infidels who are sure to live forever in hell. (see Bihar al-Anwar, vol 8 p. 366, vol 23 p. 390).
Regarding the law of a Muslim who is classified as a mukhalif (who has different views from the Shi'a) (see the white book of the Shi'a school, p. 62. It is explained there that the attitude of the Shi'ah towards the first (mukhalif) is to still consider them Muslims and believers and remain have rights as a Muslim which must be respected in life, property and honor. It’s only taqeya.
But in the Syi`ah books says differently, generally considering Muslims outside of them are infidels and eternal in hell), Yusuf Al-Bahrani, the Shi'a cleric muktabar states that a mukhalif (sunni) is kafir, there is no Islam at all like us. tahqiq in the book al-Syihab al-Tsaqib. "Sayyid Abdullah Syubbar said,` know that many imamiyah scholars punish infidels for those who are khilaf / mukhalif, like Sayyid al-Murtadha, in this world and in the hereafter.
Baqir al-Majlisi said, the mukhalif (sunni) are not experts in heaven, nor are they experts in manzilah between heaven and hell, but they are eternal in hell. If al-Qaim came, he would kill them first before the disbelievers. (see bihar al-Anwar vol 8 p. 361).
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